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                                                                                                                                       1983              1994-1996                 2000                 2002                2004-2005

                                                                                                                                   GHO Development       GHO Development        Bill Handler is       GHO Development      GHO Development
         Craftsmanship and building design have been family dinner                                                                 Corporation is        Corporation begins     named President of    Corporation          Corporation named
                                                                                                                                   founded by Dan        building at Cambridge    GHO Development     begins building in   One of the Nations
        table conversation for as long as Bill Handler can remember.                                                               Handler - GHO         in Indian River County   Corporation         Monterey Cove at     Fastest Growing
                                                                                                                                   builds numerous       and St. Lucie West in                        Bayside Lakes        Builders by Builder
                                                                                                                                   communities in        St. Lucie County                             in Brevard County    Magazine
                                                                                                                                   Broward County
      A long-time builder and developer     homebuilders in the nation in          home and custom estate home
      of shopping centers throughout        2004 and 2005, an achievement          design.
      the southern United States, Dan       which brought the company to
      Handler would often end his day       the attention of a national build-     In 2017, GHO Homes again ranked
      recounting his experiences with       er looking to enter the southeast      in the Top 200 fastest growing com-
      his family.                           Florida market. Woodside Homes         panies in the nation and caught the
                                            eventually acquired GHO Homes          attention of Green Brick Partners, a
      The GHO Homes story officially        and Bill was retained to manage        diversified homebuilding and land                            2015                  2014             2013             2011               2006-2010
      begins in 1983 when Dan decided       local operations - a position he held   development company that oper-
      to use his extensive knowledge of     until Woodside decided to exit the     ates in Texas, Georgia, Colorado,                                                                                                     The Current GHO Homes
      the construction business to expand  Florida market. Bill seized on this     and Florida.                                         9 TCBA Parade of Homes Model   GHO Homes     GHO Homes        GHO Homes          Management team operates
                                                                                                                                        Awards, TCBA Parade of Homes
      into residential construction with    downsizing opportunity to purchase                                                          Community Excellence Award, 10   is recognized as a   named Best   begins building   the local Division for
      the founding of GHO Homes.            the remaining Woodside assets and      Keeping the company infrastruc-                      Builder’s Choice Awards, Ranked   Fastest Growing   Residential Home   in Bedford Park    Woodside Homes in Indian
                                            begin the current iteration of GHO     ture, culture and employees intact                   in Builder Magazine Top 200   Private Builder   Builder of the   at Tradition in    River, Brevard and Volusia
      The company grew steadily in          Homes Corporation.                     as well as preserving the building                   Builders Nationally, Opened New   in 100-200 from   Year by Indian   St. Lucie West  Counties. In 2010 GHO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Homes Corporation is
                                                                                                                                                                                     River Magazine
                                                                                                                                        Design Studio, Expanded to 16
                                                                                                                                                                   Builder Magazine,
      the years that followed, building                                            production style that made GHO                       Communities on the Treasure Coast  five Parade of                                founded and purchases
      projects from Sunrise to Daytona      GHO Homes has continued to raise       so successful, Green Brick Partners,                                            Homes Awards                                          the remaining assets from
      Beach, and the torch was passed in    the bar for teamwork and efficiency,   Inc. (Nasdaq symbol GRBK) ac-                                                                                                         Woodside Homes
      2000 when Dan Handler put his son     the cornerstones of the company’s      quired the assets of GHO Homes
      Bill in charge of the next generation   success and two areas of expertise   in April of 2018. This newly-formed
      of GHO Homes.                         that led to the creation of the GHO    GHO LLC is 80% owned by Green
                                            Tailor-Made program. This program      Brick Partners, Inc. and 20% owned
      Bill’s credentials brought tremen-    sets GHO apart from it’s compet-       by Bill Handler, who also serves as
      dous momentum to the GHO family       itors by allowing home buyers to       the CEO.
      management team. After graduat-       customize their homes with nu-
      ing with honors from the University   merous plan options, built-ins and     At GHO Homes, we continue
      of Florida with a degree in building   upgrades that exceed industry stan-   our commitment to excellence by
      construction, Bill went on to earn    dards and result in custom, one-of-    providing our customers with the
      his law degree from the Universi-     a-kind homes at a value balanced       communities and new homes they                                               2016                        2017                                  2018
      ty of Florida and also became a       to their needs. The large number of    desire. We build your home with
      licensed contractor. These accred-    repeat GHO home buyers confirms        a pride born from experience and                                                                                                            GHO Homes partners
      itations allowed him to combine       that the Tailor-Made program is a      through the efforts of a family-                                      GHO named Best of Houzz,   GHO awarded 9 TCBA Parade                  with Green Brick Partners,
                                                                                                                                                         ranked in Builder Magazine’s
                                                                                                                                                                                    of Homes Awards and swept the
      practical “hands-on” experience       resounding success with customers.     focused team of dedicated home                                        Top 200 Builders for the 2nd year   Builder’s Choice Awards with 14   combining their local
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               building experience in
      with the knowledge and business                                              building professionals.                                               in a row, won 13 Treasure Coast   awards. Recognized once again       South Florida with the
      acumen necessary to successfully      GHO Homes’ proudly boasts a                                                                                  Choice awards and four Parade of   as a Fastest Growing Private       strong financial resources
      guide the company.                    distinctive and diverse floor plan                                                                           Homes awards, including grand   Builder by Builder Magazine,          of Green Brick Partners, Inc.
                                            collection that has consistently won                                                                         award for the Verona model in   Opened the St. Lucie Collection
                                                                                                                                                         Lake Sapphire
                                                                                                                                                                                    sales office on Gatlin Blvd.
      GHO Homes was acknowledged            awards and accolades through the
      as one of the fastest growing         years for townhome, single-family

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